Strategy work at Hämeenaho
At its best, strategy work is a collaboration that creates concrete results. To make this happen, the external partner has to understand the client’s business operations, and the party updating their strategies has to show willingness to change and explain openly both the current state of the company and its goals. Hämeenaho selected Talentree Oy as they partner for the strategy work.
The CEO of Hämeenaho is happy with the partner selection.
“Talentree got the feel of our operations very quickly. We also worked together well from the get-go, and as the strategy work went forward, they felt like they were one of us.”
In addition to the strategy work, Hämeenaho also wanted to renew their brand.
“We came to the solution that the brand would be renewed first, and the strategy work would continue from there. We handed our partners with a great responsibility to make it happen.” says Antti Pasanen, Sales Manager of Hämeenaho.
Strategy is based on family business values
Hämeenaho did not want to cut corners in the strategy work by defining strict business choices. Instead, they recognised the aspects that were truly crucial for the operations, so that the future growth target could be attained.
“Personnel, green transition and responsibility were highlighted as the value base of our operations, and we started building our strategy on them,” says Heidi Eskelinen, Business Consultant and Finance Director of Talentree.

“Common understanding, good spirit and enthusiasm to start working on things have been the most important pieces of the puzzle.”
– Heidi Eskelinen, Business Consultant and Finance Director, Talentree Oy
The Hämeenaho and Talentree workshops set goals for upcoming years. The direction of the company was now sorted, and it was time to find out the speed of reaching those goals.
Heidi from Talentree also revels in the renewing spirit of Hämeenaho:
“I have to say that this is a group of people that is very tight-knit and works well together. It is extremely important, when Hämeenaho continues on their journey.”
The final results of the strategy work will be measured in the future, but Antti Pasanen highlights the good tools they were given.
“The consultants had a strong understanding on business and economy. Instead of theoretical mumbo-jumbo, we received concrete steps to take.
You can learn more on the Hämeenaho strategy work on the subtitled video (in Finnish).
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