Circular economy and quality work are a part of our work history

We have been a pioneer of circular economy since the 1960s. We started working on this at the Raahe factory of Rautaruukki, now known as SSAB, to minimise virgin material loss and maximise the collection of by-products and processing for reuse.

Our clients are aware that responsibility improves their ability to compete.

Director of Responsibility, D. Sc. (Tech) Kati Oravisjärvi

Ecological responsibility

We are a solution-oriented company, and in addition to our work tasks, this also applies to our ecological responsibilities. The management, employees, and subcontractors of our company are committed to our way of operating and developing our ecological responsibilities. We will always find the most sustainable solution.

Circular economy

  • efficient collection and transport of industrial by-products and processing it into reusable material
  • collection of virgin raw material and processing it into production material
  • crushing the stone material accrued in infra works and re-purposing it in groundwork

Our goal is to be carbon neutral:

  • we use Euro6 machinery and are in transition towards using electric work machinery
  • our diesel engines are transitioning towards using myDiesel which is 100% waste-produced
  • we optimise our driving and transport
  • subcontractors and borrows pits are as close to the site as possible
  • proactive maintenance by our workshop
  • we will decommission old machinery
  • carbon footprint numbers
    • direct emissions (Scope 1) are 9917,76 tCO2e
    • purchased energy (Scope 2) are 834,52 tCO2e
    • Pentti Hämeenaho shall annually publish the calculated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • learn more about our climate action goals and strategies
Pentti Hämeenaho CO2 carbon footprint calculated

We guide our operations towards a green transition in our machinery selections and everything we do.

Jari Muotio
Chairman, Business Director/Infrastructure

Social responsibility

Social responsibility is a natural part of who we are. In line with our family company tradition, we take care of our employees and take responsibility for them. In return, we receive commitment, exemplified by the most popular response regarding our strength in the employee survey of autumn 2023: “We do what we promise.”

  • in our company, everyone is equal
  • together with our occupational health services and employees, we are continuously improving well-being at work
  • our occupational health management includes extensive services, starting from physical treatment
  • continuous data acquisition regarding responsibility and training for our employees
  • we award our employees yearly
  • we support local youth work and the chance to pursue hobbies
  • we have a reporting channel that our employees can use to submit anonymous reports on the breaches they encounter

Economic responsibility

We are a financially sound company that obeys laws and regulations and pays all fees related to business operations. We are a significant player in our region and our industry, and we respond to the expectations placed on us by employing local talent, summer workers, and local or nearby subcontractors.

Quality-related responsibilities are a natural way for us to operate

Our quality operations are guided by client quality requirements, general quality requirements, and the quality commitments defined in the quality certification audit. We have adopted an attitude where we can go beyond our client’s quality requirements.

  • certified quality system
  • our goal is to have zero deviations from the quality
  • our system enables us to tackle possible quality deviations
  • internal deviation reporting: no blame, instead we analyse the root cause
  • quality reporting to the client
  • we make sure our subcontractors also meet the quality requirements

Occupational safety:

We have invested in the implementation of occupational safety. We aim for 0 accidents and are making continuous progress towards this goal.

  • safety-break: regular briefing, where we inform our employees of the current matters on work safety
  • follow-ups on work safety: surveys on well-being at work, regular meetings with our supervisory teams
  • work safety certificate at the beginning of 2024
  • regular conversations with occupational health services